Clan Stewart Society
      in America

          *****2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) *****

July 10-13, 2025 at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. Click here for more information


We are glad you stopped by. If you are a Stewart/Stuart living in the US or Canada, you've come to the right place. We welcome all to join with us on our journey to discover our inner Stewart, whether you spell your name with a 'w' or 'u'. Also, if you belong to a sept of the family or simply have in interest in the family of Scottish and British Kings, we invite you to join with us.

Who is Clan Stewart Society in America?

The Society is a not for profit organization who's purpose is the cultivation and stimulation of interest by descendants of the Scottish House of Stewart and its adherents in the genealogical, cultural, and historical background of their ancestors; the promotion and encouragement of research in these areas;  The joint sponsorship with other Scottish organizations of Scottish Festivals and Highland Games; and the education, particularly among the young of Scottish descent, of knowledge and practice in Scottish folkways.

From its beginning at Grandfather Mountain Games in 1975 with ten founding members, Clan Stewart has grown to an international organization with members in a number of countries worldwide. There is no hereditary chief to whom Stewarts offer allegiance. We do maintain cordial relations with our sister organization, The Stewart Society in Edinburgh, Scotland.

CSSA invites active participation of its membership achieving its purposes:

  • Research and Exchange of information about the genealogical, cultural and historical backgrounds of our ancestors.
  • Joint efforts with other organizations in Scottish festivals and games for the pleasure and education of the North American public;.
  • Passing along to those who follow us the heritage which helped shape our lives and our communities.

CSSA Founder Jim Gray

CSSA Founder Jim Gray

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If there is a Stewart (Stuart) somewhere in your family tree, or you'd just like to learn more about being Scottish, click on the Join Us button and become a member.

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Clan Stewart Society in America is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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